Saturday, February 11, 2006

What Have I Done?

I'll tell you what I've done. I've given in to "Kid Pressure", but DYM says that it's all Blackbird's fault. Truth be told, I've kinda wanted to have a blog, because it seem's to be the cool thing to do, but I don't know if I can stand the pressure of coming up with something to say everyday, or even every other day... or so. When my kids were little they always wanted to hear stories about when I was little, so I may get a lot of that out here, as well as what ever else pops in to my head from time to time.

Anyway, like I said in my profile, I like woodworking. I've dabbled a little over the years, but I got more serious about it about 3 1/2 years ago when we were able to buy some good equipment. So, I enjoy taking stuff that looks like this:

And turning it into stuff that looks like this (this actually did come from the pile of wood in the first picture):

So, someday when I retire in the next 4 to 8 years, that is what I would like to do with my time, make stuff for around the house and for my kids and grandkids, and maybe the occaisional thing to sell. But I will never take custom orders. My philosophy is that if someone sees something they like that I've made, I'd be happy to sell it to them for the right price, but if I take orders then they've suddenly become my boss, and I've spent too long getting out of that racket, and I don't want to go there again.

Okay, so much for day one.



At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, yes! I get to be your first commenter ever! I'm so glad. I can't wait to read what gets posted here. And please, get the personal history stories rolling!

:)Love You

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus, that's my baby's cradle, everyone. Mine. :) I love it so much

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Grammy said...

Gotta love a man who makes family treasures from slabs of rough lumber. I'm glad you're doing this, kid pressure notwithstanding.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Regina said...

Wow- I can't believe this! DYM's and Heather's dad and mom blogging! That's so great!
That certainly is a beautiful cradle! My hubby made all the furniture in our house- 25 years worth of furniture. It's a good thing I was so patient! Hubby has the same philosophy as you, Papa- once you start taking orders, it's not fun anymore...

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Kathryn Thompson said...

I'm so glad you're doing this. I'm so glad you're making that stuff for me. You're the best.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger blackbird said...

well, I suppose if people want to blame me for bringing your charming self to the internet, be it.

I am very much looking forward to reading you.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Daring Young Dad said...

I have personally seen and handled some of Papa's masterpieces. They are awesome! It's so fun to make wonderful, beautiful things.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Peter said...

I think what I am witnessing is the birth of the first family of blogging. I am sure you are proud of daughters, the DYM is funny and heartfelt, I read her almost everyday.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Peter said...

I was just thinking that all these daughters with daughters, you need to take a trip to the Tutu Boutique and pick up some dress up clothes for your wonderful grand daughters.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Tigersue said...

You do beautiful work! That is a dream of my husbands to be able to have a workshop to build things.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"TTFN"?! Oh how I love you already.

At 5:42 AM, Blogger Geekwif said...

Oh my goodness, that's beautiful! What a talent! And what a lucky daughter to be the recipient of such a gift!

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very beautiful are so talented. I like your stand on custom are then free to create what you wish and have no pressure.


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